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The Athlete Students of Our School Attend the Sports Carnival Activity

Thu, Dec 06, 2012

In the second Sports Carnival Activity which just ended up, Ms JIAO Liuyang, champion of the 2012 London Olympic Games in Women 200-meter-Butterfly Stroke, SEM student, and some athlete students of our school attended the activity, participating in the friendly interaction with our students.

In the event, Ms JIAO Liuyang and some athletes from National Swimming Team, made the movement demonstration for our Tongji students who were taking the swimming classes in our university stadium. During the one-hour interaction, the athletes presented the professional swimming styles to the students. Their swift movement, fantastic skills and striking speed won the continuous applause among the present students.

Afterwards, in the interactive talk show section between Tongji students and the star alumni, the smart and humorous questions from the host, the tactful and random answers from the athletes, and the passionate laughter from the audience, made the Sino-French Center the happiness Center of Tongji Campus at that moment.

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