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Tongji Holds Kick-off Session for Projects Supported by Major Research Plan of National Natural Science Foundation of China

Mon, Jan 07, 2013

On the morning of December 11th, 2012, Tongji hosted the Kick-off session in Yifu Building for the key research project of “Design Principle, Methodology and Model Restructuring of China’s Contingency Management System (2013-2015)” supported by major research plan of National Natural Science Foundation of China. Dr. HAN Chuanfeng, Professor from SEM, is the leader of this research project.


The session was hosted by Prof. HE Pengfei, Director of Science and Technology Office of Tongji. Prof. PEI Gang, President of Tongji University gave a key-note speech. Prof. GUO Chongqing, academician of Academy of Engineering of China debriefed on the current “Management of Contingency Issues” of National Natural Science Foundation. Prof. HAN Chuanfeng introduced in detail his latest research progress on “Design Principle, Methodology and Model Restructuring of China’s Contingency Management System (2011-2013)”, its research methodology and contents.


Directors of Contingency Office of Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Shandong and Shanxi Provinces, together with experts in this area from Beijing University and Fudan University also participated the meeting. Participants shared with each other their practical experience and research output. Heated discussions followed regarding national contingency management system, decision-making system, responsibilities and connections between state-owned enterprises and local governments, contingency awareness and abilities of local citizens, construction of contingency management information platform. Further insightful guidance and suggestions were made to the research project.


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