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Tongji EMBA Program Celebrates Its Tenth Anniversary

Thu, Jan 17, 2013

In December 2012, Tongji EMBA Program Tenth anniversary celebration was held in TONGJI SEM.

On the 27th of December, the Opening Ceremony for Tongji EMBA No. 21st and 22nd Cohorts and Commencement Ceremony for No. 10th and 11th Cohorts of China Mobile Yunnan Branch, were held at Yifu Building, symbolizing the kickoff of the celebration of 10th anniversary. Prof. CHEN Yiyi and Prof. DONG Qi, Vice Presidents of Tongji University participated and delivered congratulatory remarks. New recruits and graduates witnessed and celebrated the glorious moment together with the EMBA alumni and staff members of EMBA center.


On the 28th of December, the 6th Region and Enterprise Development Strategy Forum was held in Tongji 129 Grand Hall. During the morning session, Former Director of Financial Research Institute of the State Council Development Research Center, Mr. XIA Bin made a speech on Analysis of the Current Economic Situation. In the afternoon “Students’ Dialogue with Experts” session, Tongji EMBA students had a heated discussion with invited guests on the new trend of China’s economic growth. Mr. YAO Xuesong, famous host of CCTV economy channel hosted the session. The guest speakers included Mr. CHEN Dongqi, Deputy Director of the National Development and Reform Commission Macroeconomic Research Institute, Mr. PAN Xiangdong, General Manager of China Galaxy Securities Company, Prof. SHI Jiangang, Director of Tongji Real Estate Research Institute and Mr. XU Dianlong, Chief Editor of Xinhua News Agency.


On the 29th of December, Tongji EMBA Ten-year anniversary celebration ceremony was held in Kerry Hotel Pudong Shanghai. Prof. PEI GANG, President of Tongji University, Prof. CHEN Yiyi, and Prof. DONG Qi, Vice Presidents of Tongji University, Prof. LEI Xinghui, Deputy Dean of Graduate School, Prof. HUO Jiazhen, Dean of SEM, Prof. JIN Fu-an, Senior Deputy Dean of SEM, Prof. CHEN Song, Prof. WANG Guangbin and Prof. RUAN Qingsong, Deputy Deans of SEM participated and extended their sincere wishes to Tongji EMBA Program. Mr. FANG Zhimin, Director of EMBA Program of Sun Yat-sen University in Taiwan and 60 EMBA students were invited. More than 600 attendees got together to celebrate the exciting moment for Tongji EMBA program.

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