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Consulate General, Mr. Nicloas Mackel, of Shanghai Consulate General of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg Visit SEM

Thu, Feb 07, 2013

On the afternoon of February 6, 2013, Mr. Nicolas Mackel, Consulate General of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in Shanghai and his senior assistant, Ms. MA Ying, visited TONGJI SEM. Prof. HUO Jiazhen, Dean of SEM, Prof. RUAN Qingsong, Deputy Dean of SEM, and Prof. WANG Haiyan, Director of International Cooperation Office of SEM, met with the guests. Prof. RUAN introduced SEM history and its development to Consul-general and reviewed the collaborations between TONGJI SEM and University of Luxembourg. Consul-general, Mr. Mackel, highly appraised the long-term cooperation and friendship between the two universities. He put forward a plan that the two universities can establish exchange program in the field of finance.

Luxembourg has a population of 5 million in an area of 2,586 square kilometers. It is a landlocked country in Western Europe, bordered by Belgium, France, and Germany. The economy of Luxembourg is largely dependent on the banking, steel, and industrial sectors. Luxembourgers enjoy the second highest per capitagross domestic product in the world. University of Luxembourg is the only university in this country. In March 2011, cooperation agreement between TONGJI SEM and University of Luxembourg was signed in students and faculty exchange program.

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