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Celebrations for the 20th Anniversary of Tongji MBA

Fri, Mar 29, 2013

Since March 23rd when celebrations of the 20th Anniversary of Tongji MBA was launched, the Logo Collection for the event has been well received by students in Tongji, especially the ones from the MBA of SEM and from the School of Design and Creativity. At the end of the Collection, there were 22 students who had taken an active part, presenting 28 logos. After a careful judgment by the committee made up of the professors form SEM and the School of Design and Creativity, the one for the first prize was decided.

On March 24th, 2013, some monitors from the former MBA classes gathered at the A Building of Tongji, which was one of the celebrations for the 20th Anniversary of Tongji MBA. This gathering was intended to provide a new way for the alumni to reunite and at the same time for them to offer some valuable advices to the events. And about 60 distinguished guests attended the gathering including Dr. Fu’an JIN, Senior Dean of SEM, and Dr. Guangbin WANG Deputy Dean of SEM, and Dr. Shumin YAN, Director of the MBA Center, etc. Dr. JIN, on behalf of SEM, expressed heartfelt welcome to the monitors and gave an account of the development of SEM in recent years. Also, Deputy Dean WANG introduced the theme of the celebration activities and stressed that the 20th anniversary celebrations was a very good opportunity for the former MBA students to gather together. Finally, he expressed his hope that all the alumnus of Tongji MBA would come and join in the celebrations. 

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