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Tongji Celebrates 20th Anniversary of MBA Program

Wed, Jun 05, 2013

On June 2nd, 2013, the 20th anniversary of Tongji MBA program featuring “Achievements, Responsibilities and Dreams” was held on Siping Campus. More than a thousand alumni came to celebrate this grand ceremony, together with the faculty from MBA program and elites with different backgrounds.

Prof. WU Zhiqiang, Vice President of Tongji; Prof. LEI Xinghui, Deputy Dean of Graduate School; Prof. HUO Jiazhen, Dean of SEM; Prof. JIN Fu-an, Senior Deputy Dean of SEM and Prof. WANG Guangbin presented at the ceremony. Mr. CHEN Hongliang, the representative of the first alumni union and Prof. YAN Shumin, Director of MBA Center, delivered speeches respectively, looking back on the 20 years development of Tongji MBA Program. Besides, four short videos were played to show the images and characteristics of Tongji MBA Program in different angles.

During the event, MBA faculties with more than 15 years teaching experience were rewarded, as well as received the highest respects from Tongji MBA Program.


On the ceremony, Tongji MBA Alumni Entrepreneur Association was established and they lunched the first “Blue Ant Forum”. Prof. LI Xin, Vice Chairman of Tongji made remarks at the ceremony. The independent economist Prof. XIE Guozhong delivered a wonderful theme speech for the alumni, discussing the present challenges and threats facing the Chinese enterprises.

Tongji MBA Program was launched in 1993 with nearly 7000 alumni. Along with 20 years development, Tongji MBA Program has become one of the most international and influential MBA programs in China. Forbes issued the “Most Valuable Business Schools in China” back in April, 2005, and Tongji MBA program ranked ninth in the Most Valuable Part-time MBA Program, sixth in the Highest Salary of Part-time MBA Graduates. In 2010, Tongji MBA Program won “China’s Top Ten MBA Institutions” and “Most-favored MBA Programs by Enterprises”. In 2012, it is once again listed in the “Top Ten Most Valued Part-time MBA Program” in the Forbes Best Business School Ranking.Tongji SEM has also been awarded with AMBA in 2011 and EQUIS in 2013. According to 2012 Forbes China’s Best Business School Ranking, our school’s MBA program ranked 9th among the business schools in China, and it’s MBA program ranked top 50 for 3 consecutive years by the Financial Times.


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