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Alumni Graduated in 1963 Back to SEM for the 50th Anniversary Reunion

Thu, Jun 06, 2013

 On the 30th of May, SEM alumni who graduated from Architecture Economics and Organization Program were back to SEM for the 50th anniversary reunion. Prof. HUO Jiazhen, Dean of SEM, Prof. WANG Guangbin, Deputy Dean of SEM, and Dr. ZHOU Xianghong, Director of Alumni Office, participated in the event. More than 15 guests invited included PhD supervisors, Prof. HUANG Yuxiang, and Prof. DING Shizhao, ect.


Dean HUO introduced SEM development and the good news of achieving EQUIS and AMBA accreditations in the recent years. Alumni looked back to their study period and shared their working and life experiences. They expressed that study in Tongji was always their valuable memory to cherish in the lifetime. They were very proud of the development of Tongji SEM. At the end of event, alumni was guided to a campus tour with SEM staff and a group picture was taken in front of Wenyuan Building. 

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