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SEM Awarded with Certificate of EQUIS Accreditation

Thu, Jun 13, 2013

On Jun 9th, 2013, Prof. HUO Jiazhen and Prof. CHEN Song, Dean and Deputy Dean of the School of Economics and Management (SEM), Tongji University attended the 2013 EFMD Annual Conference held in Brussels, Belgium, and received the EQUIS (European Quality Improvement System) accreditation certificate issued by the conference. EFMD is one of the two most influential global voices in management education. In March 2013, SEM successfully passed the EQUIS accreditation, symbolizing that SEM’s quality of management education has reached the world standards and will further improve SEM’s position and influence in global competition.

During the conference, Prof. HUO Jiazhen held in-depth talks on business school accreditations with Prof. Dusan Mramor, Dean of Faculty of Economics, University of Lubljana, Ms. Lucienne Mochel and Dr. Julie Perrin-Halot, Associated Dean of Grenoble Ecole de Management, which strengthened our bonds with with overseas business schools.

The theme of this year’s Annual Conference was “Does Management Education Create Impact?” David A. Wilson, President & Chief Executive Officer, Graduate Management Admission Council, US offered his thoughts on paths to the future of higher education in the context of turbulent global financial markets and rising new pedagogical modes all over the global education landscape. Dong-Sung Cho, Professor of Strategy, International Business, Management Design, and Sustainability Management at Seoul National University, KR gave a plenary speech on Efficiency and Creativity: the Impact of Management Education upon Business and Economy in Asia.

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