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Former Tongji President, JIANG Jingbo, Donates Files to Tongji Archive Office

Fri, Jun 14, 2013

On the 9th of June, Files Donation Ceremony of  Former Tongji President, Prof. JIANG Jingbo, to Tongji Archive Office was held in Yifu Building. Prof. ZHOU Zuyi, Chairman of Tongji University Council, conferred him with certificate. Prof. ZHENG Huiqiang, Vice President of Tongji University, presented and made a speech.


Prof. JIANG expressed that, being a Tongjier, I’m pleased to witness the great success and rapid development of Tongji University in recent years. He wishes that Tongji will be among the top universities in the world.


Prof. JIANG has started working in Tongji since 1951, making great contributions to the university reform. According to his suggestions, Tongji expanded laboratories, improved undergraduate academic management, establish academic quality evaluation system and set up the Graduate School. He is also quite active in the social activities. He enjoys very high reputation and has lots of social positions. He offers valuable suggestions to the economic development in Shanghai.


This time, Prof. JIANG donated 177 pieces of personal treasures and more than 500 photos to Tongji Archive Office, which includes honorary certificates, invitation letters, badges, etc. The most precious one is the Appointment Letter issued by Prime Minister to appoint Prof. JIANG as the President of Tongji University in February 16, 1984. 

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