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Opening Ceremony of First Cohort of TONGJI-PDM Dual Degree EMBA Program and the 23rd and the 24th Tongji EMBA Cohorts

Fri, Jun 14, 2013

On June 7th, 2013, the opening ceremony of the first cohort of TONGJI-PDM Dual Degree EMBA Program and the 23rd and 24th Tongji EMBA cohorts, was held at Yuntong Building of Tongji SEM. More than 150 new students have been enrolled in the Tongji EMBA program during this ceremony, which ranks No.1 in the number of newly enrolled students in the last 10 years since the establishment of Tongji EMBA program.

TONGJI-PDM Dual Degree EMBA program is a brand new program, besides the TONGJI-MANNHEIM Dual Degree EMBA program and the TONGJI-NATIONAL SUN YAT-SEN UNIVERSITY Dual Degree EMBA. Ms. Eugenia Palagi, Deputy Consul General of Italian Consulate in Shanghai; Prof. WU Zhiqiang, Vice President of Tongji University; Prof. KANG Jiuhong, Deputy Dean of Graduate School; Prof. HUO Jiazhen, Dean of School of Economics and Management(SEM); Prof. JIN Fu-an, Senior Deputy Dean of SEM; Prof. WANG Guangbin, Deputy Dean of SEM, and some others participated the ceremony chaired by Prof. CHENG Guoping, Director of Tongji EMBA Center.

On behalf of Tongji University, Prof. WU Zhiqiang welcomed and congratulated new Tongji EMBA students, encouraging them to cherish this precious opportunity.



Ms. Eugenia Palagi highly praised Tongji’s excellent performance on the international exchange and cooperation, and gave best wishes for the TONGJI-PDM Dual Degree program, which is not only a milestone in the cooperation between Tongji and PDM, but also a successful model for the international development of Sino-Italian higher education.
 Prof. KANG Jiuhong and Prof. HUO Jiazhen delivered remarks respectively during the event, and extended their wishes for the program.



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