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Press Conference of 2014 Enrollment Policies of MBA, MPA, ME Programs

Thu, Jul 04, 2013

 On the 28th of June, press conference of 2014 enrollment policies of MBA, MPA, ME/MEM programs was held in Tongji SEM. Prof. WANG Guanagbin, Deputy Dean of SEM, Prof. CHI Wentie, Director of MPA Center, Prof. SHI Qian, Director of ME/MEM Program, Prof. YAN Shumin, Director of MBA Program, Dr. XU Qin, Director of Tongji-Manchester Double Degree MBA Program and Global MBA Program, Dr. LI Yibin, Director of Tongji-Case MBA/MSM-Finance Double Degree Program, attended the conference. More than 10 journalists attended are from SINA.com, China News Service, Shanghai Education News, and Shanghai Morning Post.


Program directors introduced their features and targeted students, and announced 2014 enrollment policies. SEM launched STAR Plan of scholarship opportunities. Multicultural mobile classrooms strengthen the students to face global challenges.


Since 2014, the program tuition fee has been adjusted to global business school level. Deputy dean Wang said that tuition fee is designed reasonable despite teaching revenue and scholarship increase tremendously. Besides, education is the basic of business schools which should not trace economic value but brand value and social contribution. Tongji SEM is target to create management professional leaders for China and the world.

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