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2013 Tongji-Manchester Dual-Degree MBA Graduation Ceremony Successfully Held

Fri, Jul 19, 2013

On July 13, the grand celebration of the graduation and commencement ceremony of Tongji-Manchester Dual-Degree MBA was held in the Hall 301, Tongji Building Block A. The graduate students of class 2009 and class 2010 got together with the joy of completing their MBA study. Dean of Tongji SEM Prof. Huo Jiazhen , Senior Deputy Dean of SEM Prof. Jin Fu’an , Deputy Dean of SEM Prof. Chen Shouming, MBA Director of MBS Ms. Elaine Ferneley, China Regional Director of MBS Ms. Sherry Fu and other teacher representatives have attended the ceremony.


Tongji University and the University of Manchester are strategic partners. The Tongji-Manchester dual degree MBA Programme was launched in 2009. This Programme is the effective combination of Chinese characteristic and international insight. With abundant resources and platforms of two universities, we employ cutting-edge teaching methods to share successful management practices and knowledge with students, which pave the way for their future as business elites.


Prof. Huo Jiazhen, Dean of School of Economics and Management of Tongji University and Ms. Elaine Ferneley, MBA Director of Manchester Business School delivered their speeches of congratulations to all the graduates. Chen Jiao, representative of graduate students made her speech with profound gratitude to both schools and the teachers. Moreover, graduates from class 2009 and class 2010 presented their gifts to the programme. After the ceremony, all the teachers and students enjoyed this unforgettable moment in taking graduation group photos.


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