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2013 Graduation Ceremony of Professional Degree Programs

Sat, Jul 20, 2013

 On the morning of 30 June, 2013 graduation ceremony of professional degree programs was held in 129 Hall, Siping Campus. More than 800 MBA, ME, and MPA students from Ningbo, Suzhou and Wuxi Campuses and the main Siping Campus attended the ceremony.


Invited guests included Prof. WU Zhiqiang, Vice President of Tongji University, Prof. LEI Xinghui, Deputy Dean of Graduation School, and Prof. WANG Guangbin, Deputy Dean of SEM. Faculties from Tongji various campuses also participated in the event.


Prof. WU extended his wishes and congratulations on the students’ completion of Master study. Prof. LEI and Prof. WANG, on behalf of Graduates School and SEM, made speeches respectively. They expressed their sincere wishes to the students’ future career and hope them could be back to visit Tongji sometime in the future.


Ater all the certificates were granted to the students, all of them were invited to take a group picture to record this unforgettable moment.


X Thank you for your interest in Master of Global Management, Tongji University!