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Dean of ESCP Europe Visit Tongji University

Fri, Oct 25, 2013

 On the afternoon of 24th October, the delegation from ESCP Europe Business School in France, Prof. Edouard Husson, Dean, and Prof. Leon Laulusa, Academic Vice Dean for International Development, visited Tongji University. It is the first visit of Prof. Husson in Tongji since his inauguration of the new position as Dean. Prof. PEI Gang, President of Tongji University, Prof. DONG Qi, Vice President of Tongji University, Prof. HUO Jiazhen, Dean of Tongji SEM and Prof. CHEN Song, Deputy Director of Tongji SEM, met respectively with the French guests.



Since Tongji SEM and ESCP Europe established double master degree program in year 2005, the two schools have explored their cooperation continuously and become close partners with mutual trust. The meeting was held in a cordial and friendly atmosphere. The two parties exchanged ideas on how to deepening the cooperation in double master degree program, MBA, EMBA and EDP programs, and agreed to set up the strategic partnership in the near future for long-term stable and solid collaboration. After the meeting, Dean Prof. Husson experienced the facilities of the Professional Education Center of Tongji SEM.


In the evening, Prof. PEI invited the guests to dinner. He highly valued the significance of the partnership between two schools from the perspective of Sino-French education cooperation. He expected the two schools to break through the inherent way of thinking and to realize distinctive and interdisciplinary cooperative model.


Founded in 1819, ESCP Europe is the oldest business school in the world and has been regarded as one of the best business schools in Europe. It is ranked in France as one of the top 3 business schools. Its Master in Management Program is always ranked as the top three in the world. Every year, there are about 10 postgraduates from Tongji SEM to be nominated for the Double Degree Program with ESCP Europe and study in Paris for one year in this Master in Management Program.





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