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Face to Face Seminar Series by SEM Alumnus

Fri, Dec 06, 2013


On December 3rd, as SEM’s 2001 Information Management alumnus, Mr. ZHU Wei, Senior Advisor of Oracle China, delivered a speech on the Trend of Enterprise Management Information System Development with the case of Oracle, at Tongji SEM. Ms. JIANG Jing, Vice Department Chair of Student Affairs, attended the event as a host, and nearly 150 SEM students presented at the site.
In the report, Mr. ZHU Wei introduced the history and the present facts about Oracle, as well as the trend in the future. Meanwhile, he shared his own experiences with all the students, and gave some practical suggestions and advices.
As a part of the Face to Face Seminar Series, it aims to enhance the in-depth communication with alumni, also act as impetus to study for students.
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