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2013 Doctoral Degree Awarding Ceremony Takes Place

Thu, Jan 02, 2014


On the morning of Dec.22, 2013, School of Economics and Management, Tongji University (SEM, Tongji) 2013 Doctors Degree Awarding Ceremony took place in the 3rd Floor Lecture Hall, Yuntong Building. Prof. CHEN Yiyi, Executive Vice President of Tongji University, Prof. WU Zhiqiang, Vice President of Tongji University, Prof. LEI Xinghui, Executive Dean of Tongji Graduate School, Prof. HUO jiazhen, Dean of SEM, Tongji, together with some Ph. D supervisors attended the ceremony. All doctoral candidates, who passed the AY2012-2013 University’s Academic Committee’s assessment have been granted with the doctoral degrees. The relatives of these candidates also attended the ceremony to witness this glorious moment.
Prof. RUAN Qingsong, Deputy Dean of SEM, Tongji hosted the awarding ceremony. Prof. LEI Xinghui announced the list of the students granted with the doctoral degrees. Prof. CHEN Yiyi, on behalf of the university, extended the sincere congratulations to all the Ph. D students who acquire the degrees through their consistent endeavors. He wishes all the Ph. Ds keep on developing the life-long learning capacity, cultivating the innovation sense, spirit and ability, and playing an important role in the reform of the economic society.

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