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Tongji and TU Berlin Renew Dual Master Degree Agreement

Mon, Mar 17, 2014


On the 14th of March, a delegation of Technische Universität Berlin (hereinafter referred to as TU Berlin) led by Prof. Dr. Joerg Steinbach, the President of TU Berlin, visited Tongji University. Prof. PEI Gang, President of Tongji University, Prof. LI Zhenyu, Director of the International Office of Tongji University, Prof. Huo Jiazhen, Dean of School of Economics and Management (hereinafter referred to as SEM) and Prof. WU Zhihong, Associate Dean of Chinesisch-Deutsche Hochschulkolleg (hereinafter referred to as CDHK) met with the guests. The two parties discussed various areas of cooperation to be deepened and renewed the Dual Master Agreement in the field of Management.
Two universities established the Dual Master Degree program in November 2009. This renewal aims to standardize the program and improve the efficiency of the agreement in order to encourage more students with engineering background in their bachelor study to take active part in the program. The mode of this program is “1+1+0.5”– the first year in home university, the second year in the partner university and back to home university to finish the thesis in the last semester. After successful completion of the program at both universities, students will be granted master degrees of both sides (the degree “Master in Management Science” of Tongji University and the degree “Master of Science in Industrial Engineering and Management” of TU Berlin).
TU Berlin is one of the TOP 4 universities in Berlin. It is one of the biggest universities of science and engineering in Germany and the only one in Berlin. Eight Nobel Prize winners are alumni or faculty of TU Berlin.
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