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Tongji Honored among the Top Ten Most Influential MBA Program by Forbes

Tue, Apr 01, 2014


On the 28th of March, Forbes released the list of most influential MBA programs in China. It’s the sixth time that Forbes does an evaluation survey of China’s MBA programs and selects 36 most influential MBA full time and part time programs. Tongji MBA program was honored as the 7th, among the top ten most influential MBA programs.
The Tongji MBA education, launched in 1993, is among the first group of institutions approved by the Degree Office of State Council. As approved by the international AMBA accreditation, the Tongji MBA Program has achieved tremendous advancement by meticulous attitude to probe new knowledge and to make contribution to the society.
Forbes issued the “Most Valuable Business Schools in China” back in April, 2005, and Tongji MBA program ranked ninth in the Most Valuable Part-time MBA Program, sixth in the Highest Salary of Part-time MBA Graduates. In 2010, Tongji MBA Program won “China’s Top Ten MBA Institutions" and “Most-favored MBA Programs by Enterprises”. In 2012, it is once again listed in the “Top Ten Most Valued Part-time MBA Program” in the Forbes Best Business School Ranking.

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