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Tongji-NYIT Double Degree Graduate Student Awarded the Champion of HR Competition

Wed, Apr 16, 2014


Great news from Mr. GENG Yuqing, who is currently studying in New York Institute of Technology for double degree program, that the NYIT team that won the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Northeast Regional Case Competition for graduate students, April 11-12 in Providence, R.I. They include (left to right) Brendan Feifer, Stephanie Trinidad, Ingrid Bryni, Yuqing (Kenneth) Geng, and Rebecca Weisz.
During the competition, graduate and undergraduate teams competed separately based on a specially-written case revealed on the first morning of the competition. They had four hours to create a 15-minute PowerPoint presentation of their case analysis and recommendations as well as an executive summary. A panel of HR judges scored the presentations and selected two finalists among the graduate teams. In the second round, NYIT faced off against New York University. Each team had less than an hour to give a final presentation judged by another panel.
Geng’s NYIT team began to prepare for the competition this past November. They spent lots of time and efforts to hold practice sessions with faculty, alumni, and HR professionals to gain feedback and improve their presentation skills. Finally, Geng and his team member got the Champion and won $2,500 to share. Geng expressed his gratitude to TONGJI SEM for providing such a great opportunity of his study abroad. His five-year Bachelor and Master study in Tongji was precious for him to get the basic academic knowledge and solid theoretical foundation. Going abroad is to widen his vision and to put what he learned into real practice.

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