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SEM Expert Forum by President of Yihaodian

Tue, May 13, 2014

Dr. YU Gang, the president of Yihaodian–an online supermarket, graduating from Wharton School, was invited to attend SEM Expert Forum to celebrate 30th Anniversary of SEM, and made an excellent report to the audience in Yuntong Building on May. 9th, 2014. The forum was hosted by Prof. HUO Jiazhen, Dean of SEM, and organized by Department of Management Science and Engineering. The hall which can hold 200 people was totally pecked by the audience. With a sense of humor, Dr. YU Gang introduced some innovative practical cases and shared his own entrepreneurial experience with audience. Now Yihaodian has already been a hot cake of E-business. The forum lasted 90 minutes and finally ended with great success.



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