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Mr. Bernard ESAMBERT, Former French President Adviser, Visit Tongji University

Tue, Sep 30, 2014


Form Sept. 22-23, 2014, Mr. Bernard ESAMBERT, former French President Adviser, visited Tongji University by invitation from IEDP of Tongji SEM. He was warmly received by Professor Jiang Bo, Vice President of Tongji University with accompany of Mr. Chalom SCHIRMAN, Director of the IEDP Program and French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China (FCCIC) Shanghai Branch, where Mr. ESAMBERT made a speech introducing his fourth new-published book to members in FCCIC Shanghai Branch. The new book describes the anecdotes of all the presidents from Charles de Gaulle to Hollande during the French Fifth Republic.
Mr. ESAMBERT, one of IEDP faculties, used to be president of Ecole Polytechnique, Dean of Institut Pasteur, Director and CEO of Banque Edmond de Rotschild, Vice Director of Arjil Bank. Meanwhile, he is also a board member of numbers of transnational companies. As a tycoon in French industrial and commercial world, Mr. ESAMBERT was in the position of senior adviser to former French president Georges Pompidou specially on dealing with industrial and commercial affairs. Moreover, he used to lead and manage many world-famous industrial technology programs such as Sky bus, TGV (forerunner in French high speed train field), Ariane satellite and Reform in French Telecom industry.
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