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2014 Pujiang Innovation Forum Held in Shanghai

Thu, Oct 30, 2014

The 2014 Pujiang Innovation Forum has opened in the eastern coastal city of Shanghai.


Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin have extended congratulations on the forum, voicing hope for enhancing bilateral cooperation in science and technology. Themed "Coordinated Innovation and Sharing Opportunities" this year, the forum aims to build a platform for communication of innovation and development. President Xi said in his congratulatory message that China is implementing a strategy of innovation-driven development and promoting comprehensive innovation with science and technology as the core. Xi expressed his belief that the China-Russia cooperation in science and technology will promote the economic and social development of the two countries and deepen their comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination.


Putin said both China and Russia have unique economic potential, with a long-standing tradition of cooperation in many fields. Wang Gang, Minister of Science and Technology, delivered a keynote speech at the forum on Saturday.


SOUNDBITE (CHINESE) WANG GANG, Minister of Science and Technology
"A nation’s innovation capacity and science and technology strength are related to its intensive input and long-term accumulation. China is a developing country. We are still lagging behind other countries in investment and accumulation. So we need to seize opportunities to push forward the reform in science and technology mechanisms. Reform should benefit people. We should invest in the key sectors that will meet people’s need and promote the country’s development. Only in this way can we gain the competitive edge of innovation." Initiated in 2008, the Pujiang Innovation Forum is an annual event organized by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Municipal Government of Shanghai. Russia acts as the Guest Country of Honor in the forum this year.



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