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Delegation of Irish Minister of Education Visit Tongji

Thu, Oct 30, 2014


On the afternoon of October 30, a delegation led by Ms. Jan O’Sullivan, Irish Minister of Education and Irish Consul General of Ireland, visited Tongji University. On behalf of Tongji University, Prof. PEI Gang, President, and Dr. JIANG Bo, Vice President, warmly welcome the Irish guests. Prof. CHEN Song, Deputy Dean of SEM presented at the meeting.
The main target of Minister Jan O’Sullivan‘s visit is to review the cooperation between Tongji University and Irish universities, which has been focused on the fields of economics and management in SEM. She also expressed her wish to support further deeper collaborations. “The collaboration between Tongji SEM and Irish universities is quite smooth and successful.” Introduced by Prof. CHEN Song. The cooperation between Tongji SEM and University of Limerick (hereinafter referred as UL) on Double Degree Master Program was launched in 2006. It is a 1+1+0.5 program. Students spend year one of their Masters at home university, transfer to host university in the second year to continue a one year Masters study, followed by a half year of preparation and composition of thesis in the home or host institution. By the end of the program, students will be awarded with a MSc in Finance from UL and an MSc in Management from Tongji. In the latest five years, Tongji totally send 11 postgraduates to UL, two of whom got CSC scholarship to sponsor them. By the end of the meeting, a renewal agreement signing was arranged between SEM and UL, in the witness of the Minister and the president of Tongji.
So far, SEM has also established collaboration in non-degree undergraduate exchange program with Trinity College Dublin and University of College Dublin. China Scholarship Council (CSC) sponsors three Tongji students to Trinity College Dublin with reimbursement of airfare and monthly allowance. Each year, we send 6-8 students to Irish and receive the similar number of Irish students.
International cooperation and exchange is one of SEM’s significant features and advantages. Currently, SEM has established collaborative partnerships with almost 70 renowned business schools and universities in 26 countries in areas including faculty exchanges, scientific research, and student exchange. Tongji SEM has been awarded both AMBA and EQUIS Accreditation. Moreover, it ranked 65th in the newly issued Global Master of Management Program of British Financial Times, 79th in global EMBA program listing. Eduniversal issued 2014 Top 1000 Global Business School, Tongji SEM ranks 7th in China. In QS World University Rankings by Subject 2014 – Accounting & Finance, Tongji SEM ranks among 101-150. Its discipline “Managing Science and Engineering” is among the top 10 in National Higher Education Discipline Assessment launched by the Ministry of Education, and “Management” gained A+ on WU SHU LIAN Ranking list, MBA ranked 9th on Forbes Best Chinese Business School Ranking.
SEM’s three Irish partner universities are among the top 5 in Ireland. Trinity College Dublin and University College Dublin have been continuously ranked top 2 in recent years. University College Dublin got the three authoritative accreditations by AACSB (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business), AMBA (Accredited MBA) and EQUIS (European Quality Improvement System) and was ranked the 34th best business school in European by 2013 Financial Times.

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