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Commencement of 2014 Tongji-CWRU MBA/MSM-Finance Double DegreeProgram Ends Successfully in SEM

Tue, Dec 16, 2014


On the 13rd of December, 2014, Commencement of Tongji-Case MBA / MSM Finance Double Degree Program ends successfully in SEM, Tongji.
The ceremony was hosted by Mr. XU Guodong, Director of Tongji SEM MBA Program. Dr. WNAG Guangbin, Deputy Dean of SEM and Dr. Anurag Gupta, Tongji-CWRU MBA/MSM-Finance Double Degree Program Manager at CWRU, made speeches respectively. Dr. LI Yibin, Directors of Tongji-Case MBA / MSM Finance Double Degree Program, extended her gratitude to the participants and best wishes to the graduates.

Tongji-CWRU MBA/MSM-Finance Double Degree Program was launched in 2010, which was the first MBA/MSM-Finance double degree program in China. In 2011, the program began to recruit the first cohort class. There are 27 graduates this year, among whom all have establish successful career with the financial knowledge learned at Tongji and CWRU. Nine students got 50% salary promotion.



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