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Dean of SEM Present at Management Forum on Challenge of Economy Integration and Business Upgrade in Asia

Mon, Jan 12, 2015


Management Forum on Challenge of Economy Integration and Business Upgrade in Asia was successfully held at Taipei International Convention Center on Jan 10th, 2015. Co-sponsored by College of Management of National Sun Yet-san University of Taiwan and School of Economics and Management (SEM), Tongji University, the forum attracted more than 500 entrepreneurs, scholars and government officials from around the world. The hosts intend to create an interactive platform for industries, governments, and academic research institutions and to finally help develop management elites. Hongdun YANG, President of National Sun Yet-sen University, Jiazhen HUO, Dean of SEM, Tongji University and Mr. Weiren LIAO, Director of Workforce Development Agency of Taiwan delivered speeches for the forum. The forum committee has decided that the forum is scheduled to be held in Shanghai next year and Tongji University, Fudan University and National Sun Yet-sen University will be the co-sponsors.
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