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Ice Breaking Meeting of Buddy Program at the New Semester

Sun, Mar 20, 2016

On March 6th,the Buddy Program held by the international department came off successfully in the building of SEM of Tongji university. Intnational students and local Chinese students don’t have hustle and bustle, but all of them have simple warmth. They don’t have stories on a grand and spectacular scale, but have ordinary household memories.

At the beginning of this activity, small questionnaires were distributed by staff. The theme of the questionnaire was “Cultural Difference”. Just some simple questions drew the distance between us closer and closer. Someone gave the right answers,some not.But they all had a good time.
 Next part of this event was jenga. Three pieces of wood make up a layer, staggered into a tower shape. Each take turns drawing block.The loser answers the corresponding questions. From casual to careful, from strange to familiar, they just enjoyed the moment.
 At the end of Buddy Program, Chinese students taught foreign students some Chinese characters. Buddy Program was coming to an end, but their friendship was just beginning.


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