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MOU Signed between SAP and SEM

Thu, Jul 07, 2016

SEM has signed an MOU with SAP, a global leading enterprise software solution provider, in June, 2016.

The signing of MOU shows the commitment of both parties in their mutual cooperation, and will help to create win-win proposition in regards to the combination of industrial-academic-research for both parties. SAP will appoint a top management representative to attend SEM’s International Advisory Committee Meeting, to provide consultation on SEM’s long-term strategy. High-quality student pool is SEM’s core competence. SAP will build its talent pool to provide internship and job opportunities for SEM’s students. Also, SAP will send employees to participate SEM’s on-job training and develop joint-research with faculties. The cooperation between university and enterprise help strengthen the interaction and effectiveness between industry and academia. The strategic cooperation will not only benefits SAP on talent recruitment and training, but also provides SEM with a communicative platform on teaching and research.

SEM has started close cooperation with SAP in several programs before the official signing of the MOU. Since 2009, SAP has been sending management trainees to study non-degree program on Information Management and Information System for 2.5 months at SEM. Mr. Clas NEUMANN, Global Vice President of SAP, was appointed as SEM’s International Advisory Committee Member since 2015. On June 13th, 2016, Mr. Franz HERO, SAP Global Senior Vice President of Supply Chain Management & Logistics, participated the 3rd China Logistics Day hosted by SEM as a keynote speaker.

SAP was established in 1972 and is headquartered in Walldorf, Germany. SAP has over 78,230 employees in over 130 countries and around 11,500 partner companies globally. As the world leader in enterprise software application, SAP helps customers in different industries to streamline operation processes.



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