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SEM Ranked Top 7 China Business School by Eduniversal Worldwide Business School Ranking

Mon, Dec 05, 2016

Released by the 9th Eduniversal World Convention, School of Economics and Management, Tongji University (hereinafter referred as Tongji SEM) is ranked 7th in the overall ranking in China Business Schools.


The 9th Eduniversal World Convention was held from 28th November to 1st of December in Curtin University, Austrialia. The participates include the deans of top 1000 business schools around the world. Ms. WU Boning, Assistant dean of SEM, attended the event and communicated with the foreign guests among the world.


Eduniversal is an authoritative Business School ranking institution in Europe. The purpose of the palms award is to compare objectively a school of a given country or continent to another one. Since 2008, Tongji SEM has been ranked among the 6th to 8th for years.


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