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SEM’s Discipline of Management Science and Engineering(MSE) Ranked 1st in the Nation

Thu, Dec 28, 2017

The result of the 4th round of national discipline evaluation was announced: Tongji SEM’s discipline of MSE was classified as A+.

(Release time:12-28-17)


Since the 18th CPC National Congress, SEM has comprehensively implemented the party’s education policy, fully put into practice the guiding principles from general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, Xi Jinping’s major speeches, taking the five-sphere integrated plan and the four-pronged comprehensive strategy as our guides. Following a path of connotative development, SEM has been working on expanding its professional teaching staff with high quality and further developing its training of high-level talents, in order to serve the country’s economic development and modernization. On December 28th, China Academic Degree & Graduate Education Development Center released the result of the 4th round of national discipline evaluation. According to the result, the four first-level disciplines of SEM has seen a substantial improvement compared with the previous round of evaluation: Management Science and Engineering (187 candidates in total) was classified as A+ (top 2%); Business Administration (240 candidates in total) and Public Administration (143 candidates in total) were classified as B+ (top 20% to 10%); Applied Economics (155 candidates in total) was classified as B (top 30% to 20%).


The 4th round of discipline evaluation adopted the form of grades for the first time to announce the evaluation result. No scores or rankings were published and thus no emphasis was put on the slight differences between candidates. The center scored the disciplines according to their overall levels before sorting the top 70% into nine categories by percentile. This method not only has a strong distinction, reflecting the actual change in the level of disciplines, but also minimizes the importance of score and ranking, guiding candidates’ attention to the advantages and disadvantages of their disciplines’ connotative construction.


Here is the link of the results published by the center on their official WeChat ID: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/QffxkHNZtQTpV5kfSrQkIA

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