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Lecture: Learning to Trust What We See: Employing Supervised Learning Techniques to Predict RFID Tag Efficacy

Sat, Apr 28, 2018

Topic:  Learning to Trust What We See: Employing Supervised Learning Techniques to Predict RFID Tag Efficacy

Date & Time: Date & Time: 10:00-11:30am, June 19th, 2018
Venue: Room 308, Tongji Building A
Language: English

Speaker Biography

Dr. Thomas J. Goldsby is the Harry T. Mangurian, Jr. Foundation Professor in Business, Professor of Logistics, and Chair of the Department of Marketing and Logistics at The Ohio State University’s Fisher College of Business.

Dr. Goldsby is Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Business Logistics and former Co-Editor-in-Chief of Transportation Journal. He serves as Associate Director of the Center for Operational Excellence (COE), Research Fellow of the National Center for the Middle Market, and a research associate of the Global Supply Chain Forum, all housed at Ohio State’s Fisher College of Business. His research interests include logistics strategy, supply chain integration, and the theory and practice of lean and agile supply chain strategies. He has published more than 50 articles in academic and professional journals and serves as a frequent speaker at academic conferences, executive education seminars, and professional meetings.

All the faculties and students are welcome to attend this lecture!

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