Home > School News > Dean of Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland Visits Tongji SEM

Dean of Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland Visits Tongji SEM

Thu, Jan 31, 2019

On the 25th of January, Prof. Alex Triantis, Dean of Robert H. Smith School of Business and David Liu, Executive Director, China Office, University of Maryland, US, visited Tongji SEM. Prof. LI Yuan, Dean of SEM and Prof. Prof. CHEN Song, Deputy Dean of SEM, met with the guests. Both parties shared with each other the history of its school’s development and features of strength disciplines and explored potential collaborative opportunities in double master’s degree program, PhD. Student exchange, and joint research center.

    The University of Maryland is public research university of Ivy League. Robert H. Smith School of Business is a leading business school with global influence, recognized as leader in management education and research and has a rich portfolio of innovative projects. It is ranked by 2013-2017 UTD Top 100 Business School Research Rankings 16th in the US and 17th around the world.

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