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2019 Tongji SEM Alumni Liaison Contact Awarding Ceremony Held Successfully in Tongji SEM

Tue, Jul 02, 2019

On Jun 29th 2019, “2019 Tongji SEM Alumni Liaison Contact Awarding Ceremony” was held successfully in “Alumni Home” on Siping Campus.

Prof. JIN Fu’an, Senior Deputy Dean of SEM, Ms. WU Boning, Director of Alumni and Corporate Relations Office, and alumni liaison contact from undergraduate and professional degree programs attended the ceremony.
It is the first time of Tongji SEM to hold such ceremony and exchange activity for alumni. They, like other students, will soon wear graduation robes and start a new life journey. The difference is that they also have a glorious mission: to act as a bridge between alumni and the home university after graduation. Even if Tongji SEM graduates live in all corners of the world, they can find their way home.

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