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Job Fair 2019 Held in Tongji SEM

Sat, Nov 09, 2019

On the 31st of October, the Job Fair of Lujiazui Financial Zone was held in Tongji SEM. More than 70 companies in different fields of finance, real estate, consulting and logistics, took part in the fair and offered several job positions and internships to SEM students. This job fair promotes the employment of 2020 SEM graduates, closes the distance between students and well-known enterprises at home and abroad, realizes the precise matching and efficient docking between employers and graduates, and builds a good employment platform for students to enter high-quality enterprises smoothly. It also forms a fast track for employers to efficiently absorb excellent students. Since this year, SEM has successfully held job fairs for 181 companies. In November, SEM will also arrange a comprehensive job fair in cooperation with the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China.

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