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GONG Tianyu
GONG Tianyu

Assistant Professor, Innovation and Strategy

+86 021 65981226



My research interests include two areas. One is about how firms respond to institutional transition. The second is about how the government policies influence firm innovation.

  • Ph.D.     Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Strategic Management / Organizational Theory (2018)
  • M.A.      Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Strategic Management / Organizational Theory (2014)
  • M.A.      Southeast University, Technological and Economic Management (2012)
  • B.A.       Zhengzhou University, Business Administration (2009)

2018.9 ~ present, Assistant Professor at Advanced Institute of Business (AIB), Tongji University

Published Papers

  • Wang, X., &  Gong, T*.(2024) Digital-enabled supply chain innovation and CO2 emissions: The contingent role of first-tier supplier's structural holes. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. (Online) (Corresponding Author)
  • Ge, L., Muller, A., Gong, T*., & Qian, C. (2024). CEO International Experience in Advanced Market Economies and Firm Investment Horizon in a Transition Economy. Management and Organization Review. (Online) (Corresponding Author)
  • Gong, T., Wang, X., Zhang, L., Gao, X. & Xie, E. (2023). Symbolic or Substantial? Different Responses of State-Owned and Privately Owned Firms to Government Innovation Policies. Technovation. (Online)
  • Li, Y., Wang, X., Gong, T., & Wang, H. (2022). Breaking out of the pandemic: How can firms match internal competence with external resources to shape operational resilience?. Journal of Operations Management (Online).(Four authors make equal contribution)
  • Jiang, Y., Gong, T., Cheng, W., & Zhao, Y. (2021). Repression or indulgence? Distinctive government influence on firm financial and environmental misconduct in China. Asian Business & Management (Online).
  • Gong, T., Tang, Y., & Zahra, S. (2021). How global digitalization influences the attractiveness of a firm digital name to foreign investors. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
  • 龚天宇、袁健红,复杂技术系统背景下技术体制新解。管理学报. 2012(06)
  • 袁健红、龚天宇、郭进芬,中小企业创新政策效应评价。东南大学学报(哲学社会科学版) . 2012(04)
  • 袁健红、龚天宇,企业知识搜寻前因和结果研究现状探析与整合框架构建。外国经济与管理 . 2011(06)
  • 龚天宇,政策性金融支持科技创新的模式研究——以国家开发银行为例。广西财经学院学报 . 2011(05)

Conference Papers

  • *Gong, T. and *Sullivan, B.N., Balancing the Power of the State and the Market: A Resource Dependence Perspective on the Role of Government Policies on Firm Innovation in China’s Transitional Economy. Academy of Management Conference Proceedings, Atlanta, 2017 (*equal contribution)
  • Gong, T. and Sullivan, B.N., Organizational Attention and the Shift of Institutional Logics for Innovation: Evidence from Chinese Firms. Academy of Management Conference Proceedings, Anaheim, 2016
  • Ge L., Gong, T. and Qian C., CEO international Experience and Firms’ Temporal Orientation during Pro-market Reform: From a Lens of Executive Job Demands. Academy of Conference Proceedings, Anaheim, 2016
  • Sullivan, B.N., and Gong, T., Organizational Search as the Conduit and CEOs as the Catalyst: the Impact of Government Policies on Firm Innovation. Academy of Management Meetings, Anaheim, 2016
  • Gong, T. and Sullivan, B.N., Differentiated Impact of Government Policies in Firm Innovation: The Mechanism of Power Imbalance. Academy of Management Conference Proceedings, Vancouver, 2015
  • Gong, T. and Yuan J., Termination of R&D Projects: Role of a Firm’s external Search and Innovation Strategy.  Academy of Management Conference Proceedings, Philadelphia, 2014

Sponsored Research Projects

  • 供应链视角下数据监管对供应链联盟及内部企业数字创新影响研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持人:龚天宇, 2024.1-2027.12.
  • "From Subsidy to Venture Capital: Research on the Impact of Transformation of Government Innovation Input Modes on firm Innovation", supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 10/2020~12/2022

Ad hoc conference reviewer, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Divisions of Technology and Innovation management (TIM), Organization and Management Theory (OMT), and Business Policy and Strategy (BPS) (2014-2017)

Journal Reviewer, Management and Organization Review (2017)

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