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Tongji SEM Held 2020 Commencement Ceremony

Mon, Jul 06, 2020

On July 2, the 2020 commencement ceremony of Tongji SEM was held in the 301 Auditorium of Tongji Building A, ZOOM online conference room and online live broadcast platform.

WU Zhiqiang, Vice President of Tongji University, ZHAO Hongduo, Vice Dean of the Graduate School, WU Zhijun, Vice Dean of the Undergraduate School, SHI Qian, CHEN Song, DONG Chuanlin, RUAN Qingsong, CHENG Mingwang, XIE En, Senior Deputy Dean and Deputy Deans of Tongji SEM, and ZHONG Ninghua, Head of Department of Economics and Finance all attended the ceremony on site on behalf of the university and SEM. Besides, outstanding graduate representatives XIA Jingyi and ZHU Yinle, and alumni representative ZHANG Yanhua were present on site and delivered speeches on behalf of all the students and alumni. A total of 23,000 people watched the commencement ceremony online.


WU Zhiqiang, Vice President of Tongji University, ZHAO Hongduo, Vice Dean of the Graduate School, LI Yuan, Dean of Tongji SEM, and SHI Qian, Vice dean of Tongji SEM, delivered speeches respectively at the ceremony. Name lists of Outstanding Graduates from Shanghai and Excellent Graduates from Tongji University were announced during the ceremony. In 2020, Tongji SEM has 286 undergraduate graduates, 242 master graduates, 25 doctoral graduates and 400 professional degree program (part-time) graduates.

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