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Tongji SEM Held the 2021 Spring Job Fair

Sat, Apr 10, 2021

On April 1, 2021 spring job fair was held by Tongji SEM. This event aimed to further strengthen exchanges and cooperation with employers, build a good platform for mutual selection, and promote high-quality employment for our students.

BOC International Securities Co., Ltd., Shengterui, Shanghai City Real Estate Appraisal Co., Ltd., Shanghai Shangmei Cosmetics Co., Ltd., SAIC Anji Logistics, Cinda Real Estate, Fubon China First Bank and more than 20 well-known Enterprises participated in the job fair, covering multiple industries such as construction and real estate, consulting, finance and fast-moving consumer goods, provide a wealth of jobs and internship opportunities for fresh graduates and college students. The companeis released spring recruitment and internship information on the spot to help students quickly locate suitable positions. Some companies also conducted on-site interviews to strive for efficient and accurate job matching.

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