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China Rural Revitalization (Tongji) High-level Forum Successfully Held at Tongji University

Mon, Jun 07, 2021

On June 6th, Tongji University held the “China Rural Revitalization (Tongji) High-level Forum” with the theme of “Rural Revitalization: A New Journey towards Common Prosperity”, focusing on the needs of rural talent revitalization, coordinating scientific and technological education resources, and giving full play to the advantages of disciplinary talent resources and exemplary leading role of universities, to comprehensively promote rural revitalization, accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas to provide strong talent, scientific and technological support.

The teachers and students of Tongji SEM have been actively participating in agricultural and rural development research, various social practice activities and providing suggestions for the central government’s decision-making on agriculture, rural areas and farmers. The Professional Degree Center of Tongji SEM have held study trips on the theme of rural revitalization, moving the classroom to the field, and integrating rural cases into teaching. Professors have been empowering grass-roots governance with digital, and regional brand development is promoted by science and technology. The social practice team of “Tongjiers in Yunlong” makes an in-depth investigation of the rural reality and contributes to the sustainable development of local industry; the “Beautiful Homesickness” created by a graduate of Tongji SEM has become a well-known public welfare organization for the dissemination of local culture and local education.

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