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LIU Xinghua: Adhering to pro-eco, green, and low-carbon development to achieve the goals of carbon peak and carbon neutrality

Thu, Jan 13, 2022

Presiding over the 9th Meeting of the Financial and Economic Commission of the CPC Central Committee, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that “the carbon peak and carbon neutrality should be incorporated into the overall layout of building an ecological civilization, and we shall strive to achieve the peak of carbon emissions by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060 as scheduled with strong momentum.” Recently, the Opinion on Fully, Accurately and Comprehensively Implementing the New Development Concept to Achieve Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality issued by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council has demonstrated China’s determination and confidence to follow the green and low-carbon development path with ecological priority, and worked out timetables and roadmaps to ensure that the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality can be achieved as scheduled.

Since the Industrial Revolution, the large-scale exploitation and utilization of coal, oil, natural gas and other fossil energy have greatly promoted global economic and social development. At the same time, it has also emitted large amounts of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, posing a serious threat to the biological security and ecological balance of the entire planet, and bringing severe challenges to the survival and development of human beings. Human beings must take strong measures to solve the ecological and climatic problems caused by the massive emission of greenhouse gases during the past two centuries of development, so as to lighten the load and cool the blue planet on which human beings live. To achieve the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality is our solemn commitment and efforts to address the threat of climate change caused by carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions and promote human beings to embark on a new path of civilized development, which is bound to advance human society from an “industrial civilization” to an “ecological civilization”.

To achieve the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality is both a challenge and an opportunity for China. First of all, China’s economic and social development at present is still in the climbing stage, its energy demand is still increasing, and it will face many difficulties and challenges to achieve carbon peak and carbon neutrality. But dialectically, to achieve the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality will promote fundamental improvements in China’s energy, industrial and ecological structures, which is conducive to not only accelerating the establishment of a modern energy and industrial system, but also promoting China’s economic development to achieve changes in its quality, efficiency and driving force. Secondly, to achieve the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality will put forward new and higher requirements for the improvement of China’s scientific and technological innovation capacity and the construction of scientific and technological talents, which is conducive to the breakthrough of relevant key technologies, and the establishment of the corresponding industrial system and high-quality talent team, so as to occupy the commanding heights of global competition in science and technology, industry and talents. Thirdly, Chinese civilization has always advocated the concept of realizing the harmonious coexistence between man and nature, and achieving the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, which is in line with the concept of “harmony between man and nature” and “Tao follows nature” advocated by the fine traditional Chinese culture. It not only helps us promote efficient recycling of energy and resources to achieve green, low-carbon and circular development, but also helps us inherit and carry forward the fine traditional Chinese culture.

The conditions for China to achieve the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality are maturing. Since the “11th Five-Year Plan” period, China has actively implemented the national strategy on climate change and adopted a series of measures to promote energy conservation & pollution reduction and control greenhouse gas emissions. At first, we have taken strong measures such as industrial structure adjustment, energy structure optimization, energy efficiency improvement in key industries, etc. to achieve significant results in carbon emission reduction. Energy consumption per unit of GDP has decreased significantly, and the growth rate of total carbon emissions has slowed down, thus accumulating experience and laying a solid foundation for achieving the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality. Secondly, China will vigorously develop renewable and clean energy such as wind and solar energy and the corresponding industrial chain. At present, China is taking a leading role in renewable energy, new energy vehicles and other fields and industries, having mastered some core technologies. At the same time, China has a strong equipment-manufacturing capacity and a super-large-scale domestic market, and the advantages of industrial chain in related industries will be constantly consolidated and enhanced. Thirdly, China has carried out diversified education on energy conservation and environmental protection, guided young people to establish the value of diligence & frugality and environmental protection from an early age, and actively promoted a shift in our lifestyles and consumption patterns toward frugality, green, low-carbon, civilized and healthy development in the whole society. The public’s awareness of environmental protection and climate change in China is increasing, and more and more people consciously practice a green lifestyle, which will lay an increasingly profound social foundation for achieving the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality. Our unremitting efforts and tremendous achievements in addressing climate change are laying a solid foundation for achieving the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality as scheduled.


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