Home > School News > VCUA Era Science and Technology Innovation Governance Youth Forum Held Online

VCUA Era Science and Technology Innovation Governance Youth Forum Held Online

Wed, Apr 20, 2022

On April 18th, 2022, the VCUA Era Science and Technology Innovation Governance Youth Forum initiated by the School of Economics and Management of Tongji University (Tongji SEM) and the Shanghai Industrial Innovation Ecosystem Research Center was held online. The forum was chaired by Shao Luning, associate professor of Tongji SEM and Deputy Director of the Shanghai Industrial Innovation Ecosystem Research Center.

The conference focused on key issues in the governance of scientific and technological innovation. A total of 13 doctoral and postgraduate students delivered speeches on the four themes of “Science and Technology Innovation”, “Scientific and Technological Innovation Elements”, “Scientific and Technological Innovation Activities” and “Scientific and Technological Innovation Ecology”. CHANG Jing, Director of Innovation Policy Research Office of Shanghai Institute of Science, Professor CHEN Zhicheng from Shanghai Lixin Accounting and Finance College, Associate Professor LU Chao from Shanghai University School of Management, Associate Professor CHANG Xuhua from Shanghai International Intellectual Property School of Tongji University, and Associate Professor BAO Yuehua from Shanghai Sanda University School of Management, commented on the content of the four sessions respectively.

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