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Summer Practical Program for Undergraduate Students Successfully Launched

Thu, Jul 20, 2023

In July, the “2023 Futures Talent Training Program of Tongji University” & “Summer Practical Program for Undergraduate Students in Economics” was successfully launched by the School of Economics and Management of Tongji University in cooperation with Shanghai Futures Association. The event was hosted by Deputy Dean WANG Hongwei and Secretary General JIN Wen of Shanghai Futures Association.

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In his speech, WANG Hongwei mentioned that talent cultivation is the first priority of our School, and practice teaching is an important part of our “Three-round education” model. This summer practice program  was supported by Shanghai Futures Association, and set up three modules: “Expert Lecture”, “Enterprise Visit” and “Enterprise Practical Training”.JIN Wen, Secretary General of Shanghai Futures Association, said that by adopting this front-end cultivation mode, she hopes to enhance students’ understanding of the function of the futures market in serving the real economy, and also help schools cultivate more high-end futures talents.

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Students had a company visit to the Shanghai Futures Exchange. Aslo, they visited the Futures Museum, the Futures Trading Hall and other venues to gain a deeper understanding and a more intuitive feeling of the history of the development of the derivatives market, the organisational form of futures trading and the trading system, generating a strong interest in learning.
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