Home > School News > Tongji SEM deepens its cooperation with universities in Hong Kong and Macau, signing an agreement to explore new models for training digitally-intelligent talents

Tongji SEM deepens its cooperation with universities in Hong Kong and Macau, signing an agreement to explore new models for training digitally-intelligent talents

Wed, Apr 17, 2024

Recently, Tongji SEM signed a series of cooperation agreements with the Business School of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), the Faculty of Business Administration of Hong Kong Polytechnic University (HKPolyU) and the School of Business of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), including the “Agreement on Joint Training Programme of mathematical intelligence talents for Business”, which aims to share resources and complement each other’s strengths in teaching and talent training, and provide students with a wider space for development.

Prof. SHI Qian, Party Secretary of Tongji SEM, and Prof. ZHONG Ninghua, Deputy Director of Tongji SEM, recently led a delegation to Hong Kong and held a grand signing ceremony with the Business School of HKUST and the Faculty of Business Administration of HKPolyU in the presence of Prof. FANG Shou’en, Secretary of the Party Committee of Tongji University.

Tongji SEM and the School of Business of CUHK also signed a co-operation agreement regarding the nomination for admission to master’s degree programs during the same period.

Tongji University and The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology signed officially the cooperation agreement on the joint cultivation project of business, mathematical intelligence talents from bachelor to master

Tongji University and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University signed Co-operation Agreement on Nomination for Admission to Master’s Degree Programmes

The two institutions will combine cutting-edge technologies such as Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, strengthen cross-fusion of disciplines, further expand the practice of cultivating digitally-intelligent talents, and explore the cultivation of business talents with digital mindset and innovation ability.

Prof. Shi Qian presented a Tongji Commemorative Bronze Plate to the School of Economics and Management of the University of Hong Kong.

Discussion and exchange with representatives of the School of Economics and Management of the University of Hong Kong

ZHONG Ninghua, Deputy Director of Tongji SEM and Faculty of Business Administration of the University of Macau exchanged souvenirs

In the future, Tongji SEM will continue to establish solid partnerships with our partner universities in Hong Kong and Macao to further expand the areas of cooperation, deepen the content of cooperation, and jointly explore the practice and innovation of cultivating digitally-intelligent talents, as well as promote the transformation of scientific research results to provide strong support for the economic and social development of the three regions.



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