Home > Lectures & Seminars > SIMBA Open Day Class on May 24th,2014

SIMBA Open Day Class on May 24th,2014

Tue, May 13, 2014

We cordially invite you to join 2014 SIMBA Open Day Class and Information Session: 


Theme:    Global Supply Chain Management


Lecturer: Daniel Chicksand

Professor at Warwick Business School

PhD (Birmingham; Commerce)

MBA (Birmingham; Business Strategy and Procurement)

MCIPS (Member of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply)

Time:      Saturday, 24thMay, 2014

 1:30-2:00 pm  Registration

2:00-2:30 pm  SIMBA Introduction

2:30-4:00 pm  Open Class






Venue:    Sino-French Center Building, 1239 Siping Road, Tongji University, Shanghai  

To reserve a seat, please email your name, cell phone and company name to: office4@simba-tongji.com or call 021 65980610


Lecture Description: 

Logistics and Supply chain management (SCM) is an evolving and exciting topic. Intense competition in today’s increasingly global markets, shorter product life cycles, a focus on cutting costs and managing the expectations of increasingly demanding customers, have ensured that logistics and SCM is now firmly on the agenda for many organisations.  Organisationswho are able to effectively harness the potential benefits of supply chain management, whilst mitigating the risks associated with managing external and often global supplier relationships can achieve substantial competitive advantage.  This module aims to provide a holistic strategic view of SCM and how it can become a source of competitive advantage.  This module will help you to develop skills in designing business models and managing business processes that are characterised by this shift from single organisational management to inter-organisational networks management.



SIMBA Introduction:
SIMBA is a Sino-Foreign MBA program jointly set up by Tongji University and ENPC Paris (EcoleNationale des Ponts et Chausées) in 2000.
It is a two-year part-time program specially designed for managers and decision makers from foreign invested companies and Fortune 500 companies, and executives who wish to advance their careers in the field of international management.
SIMBA ranked as top 100 globally by Financial Times (UK) for 6 consecutive years.
SIMBA graduates are granted the ENPC MBA degree which is globally recognized and Tongji University Certificate.
The enrollment of 2014 has fully carried out. The courses start in Sep.2014.



X Thank you for your interest in Master of Global Management, Tongji University!