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Tongji and World Expo Exhibition Held

Fri, Jun 12, 2009

On the arrival of 2010 Shanghai World Expo and 102nd anniversary of Tongji University, the Tongji and World Expo Exhibition was held on the morning of May 17th. The exhibition showed the University’s disciplinary specialization, active service and great contributions Tongji faculty and students had made which gave Shanghai World Expo a Tongji character.
Wan Gang, Vice-Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee and Minister of Science and Technology, Wu Qidi, Standing Committee Member of the National People’s Congress and former Deputy Minister of Education, Zhou Hanmin, Vice-Chairman of the CPPCC Shanghai Committee and Deputy Director of Shanghai World Expo Bureau and the University leaders Zhou Jialun, Pei Gang, Li Yongsheng, Chen Xiaolong, Jiang Fuming and Dong Qi attended the opening ceremony.
The relationship between Yongji and Shanghai World Expo can be traced back to 20 years ago. From 80s last century, committed by Shanghai municipal government Tongji University began the feasibility research of holding World Expo. In December 1999, the University organized teachers and students to work for bidding for the Expo. Several professors assumed biding declarer and a group of teachers and students in the related majors worked as volunteers.
On December 3rd 2002, after China’s success in bidding for the Expo, the university established Tongji World Expo Research Center in which lots of essential works were completed. Up to 2008, the center had undertaken over 130 world Expo research projects and obtained significant achievements. Professors Zheng Shiling, Wu Zhiqiang, Tang Zilai, etc were appointed as General Counsel of Expo theme, General Planner of World Expo Park, general Planner of Best Practice District. The University also undertook planning and architectural designing of some landmark buildings of Expo including the World Expo Theme Pavilion and Future Pavilion as well as Expo general project management. In the past few years, Tongji student devoted themselves into all kinds of voluntary services for World Expo.
Tongji and World Expo Exhibition can be divided into several parts including overview, architectural planning, architectural designing, development and management, energy and environment, traffic management, construction assurance, scientific projects and voluntary services. There were all together 110 display-boards, which recorded accurately all the endeavors Tongji faculty and students had made for the Shanghai World Expo.

It was learned that, the University would make a serial exhibition covering three themes until the opening of the World Expo. Besides displaying on Tongji Campus, every exhibition would enter the surrounding communities and be opened to all walks of life.

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