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Vice President CHEN Yiyi meets Dean and CEO of Manchester Business School

Mon, Oct 19, 2009

Professor Micheal LUGER, Dean of Manchester Business School (MBS), visited Tongji University on October 15th, with the accompany of Mr. Nigel BANISTER, CEO of MBS. Prof. CHEN Yiyi, Vice President of Tongji University, met with two guests and expressed on behalf of Tongji the support to the newly-launched dual degree MBA programme between MBS and SEM. Dean HUO Jiazhen, Vice Dean Wang Guangbin and the Programme Director Liz WU from SEM attended the meeting.

After a series of meetings since August 2008, SEM and MBS signed an MOU in July 2009. The first Tongji-Manchester MBA dual degree programme was officially launched in September this year.

Dean LUGER visited Tongji on the occasion of the official launch of the project and showed full support of the strategic and cooperative partnership of two schools on behalf of MBS. The two schools also discussed possibilities for future cooperation.
On the morning of Oct. 15 before the meeting with President CHEN, Dean LUGER attended the The International Symposium of VDC for Sustainable Building, with a keynote speech Hub and Spokes as a Basis for Regional Economic Development. In the evening, Dean HUO Jiazhen and Ms. Liz Wu were invited to attend the MBS Chinese Alumni Annual Dinner.
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