Home > School News > St. Gallen Symposium – Wings of Excellence Award: Winner gets EUR 20,000

St. Gallen Symposium – Wings of Excellence Award: Winner gets EUR 20,000

Fri, Nov 27, 2009


Every year, the competition for the St. Gallen Wings of Excellence Award offers university students throughout the world the unique opportunity to take part in the St. Gallen Symposium. Students enter into a challenging exchange of ideas with today’s global leaders about the pressing economic and societal questions of our time. Competitors are invited to submit their thoughts and visions on the theme of the St. Gallen Symposium.
The authors of the 100 best contributions will be invited to Switzerland to add their own perspective to the St. Gallen Symposium – in the company of 600 entrepreneurs, top managers, politicians and scientists from more than 60 nations. The most outstanding pieces of work will receive the St. Gallen Wings of Excellence Award, which is endowed with a EUR 20,000.– prize, and will be presented to the audience by their authors.
For more details please visit:


Graduate and postgraduate students in all fields of study enrolled at regular universities throughout the world, born in 1980 or after.
What makes an entrepreneur an ‘agent of change’?
Changing of the guard: Who are the new entrepreneurs?
Corporate entrepreneurship within large companies: a concept for the future or a mere pie in the sky?
Entrepreneurship between environmental risks and opportunities: What does it take to succeed?
5 to 7 pages, max. 2,100 words (not including bibliography). Exact word count must be stated at the beginning of the text. Name must not be stated on the title page or following pages.
Accepted formats: doc, rtf, pdf
Multimedia presentation
Max. 15 minutes duration; name must not be stated on the slides.
Accepted formats: ppt, pps, pdf
Max. 15 minutes duration; please label video with own name but do not state name on recording
Accepted formats: vhs, dvd, avi, mpeg, mov
All sources used in the contribution must be quoted. Breach of the rules or any form of cheating will result in automatic disqualification from the St. Gallen Wings of Excellence Award. The International Students’ Committee (ISC) St. Gallen as the organiser of the competition reserves the right to contact the university and take further legal measures. The work has to be written especially for the St. Gallen Wings of Excellence Award by only one person.
In addition to the contribution, the key statements should be summarised in an abstract. This should be submitted as a separate file together with the other documents.
Accepted formats: doc, rtf, pdf
English, French or German
Closing Date
The complete application documents should be handed in online or by post to the International Students’ Committee (ISC) by 1 February 2010 (date of postmark).
Online Application
The online registration is not available at this point in time.
Offline Application
Send your contribution in duplicate along with
the application form, which will be posted within the next  week,
the abstract (separate sheet),
a copy of your passport or other official form of ID,
confirmation of matriculation from the university by February 2010,
a diskette or CD containing your contribution (without syllabification) and the abstract (separate file) and
a handwritten declaration confirming that the contribution is the participant’s own work and contains his own thoughts and that all stated facts are accurate
to the following address:
St. Gallen Symposium
Dufourstrasse 83
P.O. Box 1045
CH – 9001 St. Gallen
Tel. +41 (0)71 227 20 20
Fax +41 (0)71 227 20 30
Dear international students of SEM-Tongji, if you have interest in this program and want to submit your production, please contact:
X Thank you for your interest in Master of Global Management, Tongji University!