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Dean of Audencia Nantes visits SEM

Thu, Dec 31, 2009

 Prof. Jean-Pierre HELFER, Dean of Audencia Nantes School of Management visited School of Economics and Management (hereinafter referred to as SEM), Tongji University on Dec. 28th, 2009. Prof. Jiazhen HUO, Dean of SEM met with the guest. Dr. Haiyan WANG, Director of the international office, SEM, Ms. Ting CHEN, Vice Director of International Office, SEM, Prof. Ming YAO, Vice Director of MBA Department and Mr Ruiguang WANG, assistant director of Sino-Italian school, also presented in the meeting.

Audencia and SEM-Tongji have successful cooperation on student exchange for several years. This visit will further strengthen and deepen their cooperation. The two parties also discussed potential cooperative possibility of supply chain management program and sports manager training program.

Audencia Nantes School of Management was founded in 1905 and has always been regarded as one of the top business schools in France. Audencia Nantes School of Management was situated in France’s sixth biggest city, Nantes, adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean. Audencia Nantes has been awarded the Equis, AACSB and AMBA International Accreditation. It ranks sixth in last year’s French business school ranking. At present more than two thousand students from at least forty different countries study in Audencia Nantes.

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