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SEM Successfully Hosts Summer School for US Business School College Students

Tue, Aug 30, 2011

From June 27th to August 6th, a study group of 13 undergraduate students in business major from US universities participated in the 2011 Business Program Summer School hosted by School of Economics Management, Tongji University.

The 6-week program consists of a series of academic business courses and Chinese language courses delivered by professors from SEM and US Business Schools, company visits guided by faculty, and cultural visits accompanied by Chinese language teachers, etc. During the first week, SEM offered Chinese language courses for students to better cope with their life in China. The following weeks mainly centered on 3 business courses like Private Equity and VC in China, Corporate Governance and Business Negotiation in China. While the business courses equip the students with the knowledge of business environment in China, the company visits and cultural tours help students get familiar with the local culture and business operations.

The successful operation of this summer school opens up a new way and channel to attract more international students to do their exchange in SEM, which helps to further improve SEM’s internationalization level and global influence in the future.

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