Home > School News > SEM Celebrates Tenth Anniversary of DBA Program with Grenoble School of Management

SEM Celebrates Tenth Anniversary of DBA Program with Grenoble School of Management

Thu, Apr 26, 2012


On April 21, the tenth anniversary celebration of DBA program was launched jointly by Grenoble School of Management, France and SEM, Tongji University. Students from different sessions, together with their supervisors, enjoyed the happy gathering and carried out further discussion on the program development. Prof. Jean-Jacques Chanaron, Deputy dean of Grenoble’ s Doctoral Graduate School, Prof. YAN Jie, Director of DBA program Mainland China of Grenoble, Prof. HUO Jiazhen, Dean of SEM, Tongji and Dr. YU Xiubao, Director of DBA Program, SEM, Tongji all attended the ceremony. The first Plenary Session of “Grenoble and Tongji DBA Alumni Association” was held after the anniversary.

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