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Information Session of Student Exchange Programs Held in SEM

Tue, May 15, 2012


On the 8th of May, an information session of student exchange programs was held in SEM. Dr. HUO Jiazhen, Dean of SEM, Dr. WANG Ruijie, Deputy Dean of SEM, Dr. WU Jianwei, Former Deputy Dean of SEM, and staff of International Cooperation Office of SEM, participated in the event.
Dean HUO encouraged more and more students could apply for student exchange programs to experience overseas study and life. SEM is always targeted to develop Tongji students with a global perspective. Dr. WU shared his own overseas experience as a Ph.D student, which have a vivid picture for SEM students to be award of the importance of study aboard. Dean HUO awarded certificate to students who have sponsored to join student exchange programs. Some students who returned from partner institutions offered their advices to the fellow students and made some recommendations. 
In the Q&A part, SEM invited one alumnus, MS. XU Ying who graduated from 2006 Finance Program and is currently working in Bank of China. She answered the questions raised by the students regarding foreign payment that they might encounter aboard.
X Thank you for your interest in Master of Global Management, Tongji University!