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SEM holds Sino-US-India Global MBA Program Formal Announcement and Media Conference

Thu, Jun 21, 2012


On the morning of Jun 20th, 2012, the School of Economics and Management (SEM), Tongji University held the formal announcement and media conference of Sino-US-India Global MBA Program, which is co-established by XLRI School of Business & Human Resource in India, Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) in US, and SEM Tongji University. Mr. Vijay Bhatia, Cultural Consul of Indian Consulate General Shanghai, Mr. Ricardo Pelaez, Commercial Consul of U.S. Consulate General Shanghai, Ms. Wenjuan ZHAN, Senior Commercial Specialist of U.S. Consulate General Shanghai, representatives from renowned companies like Delphi Asia Pacific, SAIC Motor, and Shanghai Jiushi Corporation, together with reporters from major media in Shanghai witnessed the MOU signing and launching of the Sino-US-India Global MBA Program.
Prof. JIANG Fuming, Vice Presideng of Tongji University delivered his congratulation remarks on behalf of the university. He said the Sino-US-India Global MBA Program will be a new window, a new platform for Tongji University’s international collaboration education and will definitely help promote the academic partnership and exchange among the three countries. The two consuls from Indian and U.S. Consulate General Shanghai extended their congratulations and supports to the newly launched program. Mr. Steve Clemons, Director of Planning from Delphi Asia Pacific congratulated on the successful launching of the program on behalf of the industries. The deans of three partner business schools, Prof. HUO Jiazhen, Dean of SEM, Prof. Mohan REDDY, Dean of Weatherhead School of Management, CWRU, and Father Abraham, Director of XLRI School of Business and Human Resources delivered their appreciation remarks on behalf of respective schools. Other guests presented at the ceremony are Prof. KANG Jiuhong, Vice Dean of Graduate School of Tongji University, Prof. YE Weimin, Vice Director of Teaching Administration Office of Tongji University, Prof. WANG Guangbin and Prof. RUAN Qingsong, Deputy Deans of SEM.

As a first Sino-US-India Global Full-time MBA Program in the world, it aims to create a real practice-oriented international learning opportunities for students to experience in person in the world’s three largest economies, and ultimately develop a new generation of business leaders with global vision and innovative spirits to adapt to the development needs of global economic cooperation.
The program adopts the 2-year full-time education. Students from China, India and US will stay in one class to study, and do internships in three countries altogether. Upon successful completion of the program, students will be granted with the MBA degree from their home school and two international learning certificates from the two hosting schools. They are also eligible to acquire degrees from the host schools.
International cooperation and exchange is an important development strategy of SEM. Up till now, SEM has established partnerships with over 50 schools and universities in 26 countries. The Global MBA program is a new attempt and breakthrough in SEM’s MBA education after the launching of Tongji-Manchester Double MBA Program, Tongji-Case MBA/MS Finance Double Degree Program, and Tongji-Mannheim Double EMBA Degree Program.
Brief Introduction of Partner Schools:
XLRI School of Business & Human Resource:
Founded in 1949, XLRI School of Business & Human Resource is a private business school with a long history in India. It enjoys high reputation in the teaching and research qualities in India and globally. In the latest “18 Top Business Schools in India” released by US NBC Finance Channel, XLRI is ranked 5th.
Business Management, Personnel Managmeent and Industrial Relations and General Management are three landmark programs of XLRI. In particular, Personnel Managmeent and Industrial Relations Program is regarded as the best human resource program in Asia Pacific. The General Management Program started from 1997 and was the first full-time MBA program in India.
Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University:
Established in 1826, Case Western Reserve University is the greatest private research university in Ohio State, US. 16 Nobel Prize Winners are alumni of CWRU. In the lates US News & World Report University Ranking, CWRU is ranked 38th in the US. Weatherhead School of Management was founded in 1930. The full-time MBA program is ranked 29th globally according to 2012 America Economia. In the latest US Business Week Specialty Ranking, its Finance Program is ranked TOP in the US.
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